Thursday, June 13, 2013

You are the most important thing to me

You are the most important thing to me. I do not want anybody to know you are special and I hope you understand me. I do not want any hand to open you up nor any eye to read you through. I do not want you to be in the wrong hands that is why I am keeping you unspotted from the world. I want our relationship to be enclosed with just you and me in it. I disclose to you everything even the things which I have no plans of telling others. Every sin, every grudge, every secret, every failure, I can trust you with all that. I can tell you every selfish thought I have in mind and not a single mock comes out from you. You never fail to calm me down when pillows are not enough to be beaten. I may be busy most of the time, tired to at least update you about my day and I am really sorry for that. But hey, remember that I will always make it up to you. If worst comes to worst, they can take everything away from me, but not you. I can't lose you.

You are my most treasured diary.

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